The Science of Yoga

A 3-Part Blog Series on the Healing Power of Yoga Table of Contents: The Science of Yoga Introduction The Origin of Yoga (Part 1 of 3) Yoga Can Enhance Your…

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Chakras and How to Use Them to Heal Your Life

Chakras are the way energy moves through the body. They are subtle energy fields spinning at different velocities like a vortex within the body and in the etheric field around the body. This etheric energy field is also known as the subtle body or the aura.

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Third Chakra – Solar Plexus Chakra

Sanskrit Name for the Solar Plexus is Manipura Solar Plexus Chakra Color is Yellow The Solar Plexus is the center of vitality. It controls the entire energy balance in the…

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Fifth Chakra – Throat Chakra

The throat chakra is the chakra of expression, helping you to understand, express your inner truth, and be creative. The throat chakra is the center of communication, not just speech, but also thought and telepathy. This is the gateway to spiritual healing. When the throat chakra is in balance, we speak, listen, and express ourselves openly and authentically. The throat chakra is the first of the three higher, more spiritual chakras.

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