
What is the meaning of life? Does my life have a purpose? What happens when I die? Information about scientific discoveries and recent empirical evidence available on this website will…

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How Enlightenment Changes Your Brain

We often think of spiritual awakening and enlightenment entirely out of the scope of science. In the past, the scientific community always relegated the supposed spiritual awakening experience to the…

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Seventh Chakra – Crown Chakra

The crown chakra is the center of spirituality, divine wisdom, imagination, awareness, optimism, and connection to your higher self and the universe. This chakra affects the six energy systems below it, and practically your entire being. When in balance it provides feelings of calmness, joy, and deep peace about being right where you need to be. You readily see the beauty and divinity in all things. The crown chakra affects the health of our brains, and therefore our entire mental, physical, and spiritual health.

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Fourth Chakra – Heart Chakra

The fourth chakra instills the knowledge that the most powerful energy on earth is love. It is the operating system of the entire subtle body. It is the bridge that connects the fifth, sixth, and seventh chakras that are associated with intuition, spirituality, and consciousness. The heart is the mediator between body and spirit, directly determining their wellbeing. It grants us compassion, respect, affection, and the ability to forgive. It allows us to feel a child-like innocence and joy, and the ability to give unconditional love, and form strong, healthy relationships.

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Chakras and How to Use Them to Heal Your Life

Chakras are the way energy moves through the body. They are subtle energy fields spinning at different velocities like a vortex within the body and in the etheric field around the body. This etheric energy field is also known as the subtle body or the aura.

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Introduction About Tom Cain During my career as an entrepreneur, I started six small companies. My primary businesses involved apartment investment brokerage, consulting and market research. I was widely regarded…

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What Happens When We Die?

The process of coming to terms with dying can bring up so many questions about death... What happens when we die? Is there life after death? Where do we go…

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