
Introduction About Tom Cain During my career as an entrepreneur, I started six small companies. My primary businesses involved apartment investment brokerage, consulting and market research. I was widely regarded…

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Real Stories of Out-of-Body Experiences

The stories below are from people having out-of-body experiences. These are their true stories from William Buhlman’s book, The Secret of the Soul. William Buhlman is well known for his…

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12. The Second Coming and the Afterlife

UNVEILING CHRISTIANITY Chapter 12. The Second Coming and the Afterlife The Second Coming of Jesus Christ (Raphael Coxie, 1588-89) The Second Coming of Jesus Christ is a central Christian belief…

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What is Lucid Dreaming?

What is Lucid Dreaming? Have you ever been aware that you are dreaming in your dream? That is the definition of a lucid dream. This is when your conscious mind…

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17. Healing from Toxic Theology

UNVEILING CHRISTIANITY Chapter 17. Healing from Toxic Theology In this chapter, I discuss the impact of fear-based messages that occur in many Christian churches. The sections are as follows:The Roots…

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The Health Benefits of Yoga

Practicing yoga has enormous potential for improving your overall health. Yoga can even extend your life.  It affects your entire body: your hormones, musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular system, digestive system, immune…

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UNVEILING CHRISTIANITY Preface It was a big surprise to me when I realized that what I was writing about Christianity would eventually turn into a seventeen-chapter book, Unveiling Christianity. This…

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What is Holotropic Breathing?

Have you ever thought about what it might be like to experience an altered state of consciousness by taking a hallucinogenic drug?   One day in 1943 pharmaceutical researcher, Albert Hoffmann,…

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