11. The Delusion of Satan

UNVEILING CHRISTIANITY Chapter 11. The Delusion of Satan Satan is a problematic figure in Christian theology. He is best known as the personification of evil, an adversary of God and…

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What is Holotropic Breathing?

Have you ever thought about what it might be like to experience an altered state of consciousness by taking a hallucinogenic drug?   One day in 1943 pharmaceutical researcher, Albert Hoffmann,…

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17. Healing from Toxic Theology

UNVEILING CHRISTIANITY Chapter 17. Healing from Toxic Theology In this chapter, I discuss the impact of fear-based messages that occur in many Christian churches. The sections are as follows:The Roots…

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The Health Benefits of Yoga

Practicing yoga has enormous potential for improving your overall health. Yoga can even extend your life.  It affects your entire body: your hormones, musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular system, digestive system, immune…

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08. Kingpins of Christianity

UNVEILING CHRISTIANITY Chapter 8. Kingpins of Christianity This chapter introduces five men who were fundamental in defining Christianity as we know it today: St. Paul the Apostle, Constantine the Great,…

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How Yoga Can Enhance Your Brain

The Science of Yoga Part 1 of 3 “Scientists predict that we only observe and understand 4% of the universe in which we live. Similarly, we are only on the…

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Business Background

Business Background Companies Cain and Scott, Inc. (1977), co-founder Northwind Fisheries, Inc. (1980), co-founder Yankee Clipper, Inc. (1983), co-founder Plants, Inc. (1987), co-founder Reliance Asset Management (1993), co-founder Apartment Insights…

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