
What is the meaning of life? Does my life have a purpose? What happens when I die? Information about scientific discoveries and recent empirical evidence available on this website will…

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After Life Central

What is the meaning of life? Does my life have a purpose? What happens when I die? Information about scientific discoveries and recent empirical evidence available on this website will…

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What is an Out of Body Experience?

Can we master the ability to explore what lies beyond the dense limits of our bodies? Can we transcend the limitations of our physical form so that we may spiritually…

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11. The Delusion of Satan

UNVEILING CHRISTIANITY Chapter 11. The Delusion of Satan Satan is a problematic figure in Christian theology. He is best known as the personification of evil, an adversary of God and…

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Journey of Awakening

What is Self Transcendence? β€œThe full delight of being is intrinsic, self-existent, automatic; it cannot be dependent on things outside itself. In the spiritual knowledge of self, the first step…

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Spiritual Journey

Spiritual Journey Early Years I grew up in the Montlake neighborhood of Seattle. When I was eight, I got my first bike for Christmas.Β  A few months later, while riding…

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