
What is the meaning of life? Does my life have a purpose? What happens when I die? Information about scientific discoveries and recent empirical evidence available on this website will…

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Journey of Awakening

What is Self Transcendence? โ€œThe full delight of being is intrinsic, self-existent, automatic; it cannot be dependent on things outside itself. In the spiritual knowledge of self, the first step…

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After Life Central

What is the meaning of life? Does my life have a purpose? What happens when I die? Information about scientific discoveries and recent empirical evidence available on this website will…

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12. The Second Coming and the Afterlife

UNVEILING CHRISTIANITY Chapter 12. The Second Coming and the Afterlife The Second Coming of Jesus Christ (Raphael Coxie, 1588-89) The Second Coming of Jesus Christ is a central Christian belief…

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10. History of Heaven and Hell

UNVEILING CHRISTIANITY Chapter 10. History of Heaven and Hell Heaven and Hell There was a time in Western Civilization when the ideas of heaven and hell did not exist. But…

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Real Stories of Out-of-Body Experiences

The stories below are from people having out-of-body experiences. These are their true stories from William Buhlmanโ€™s book, The Secret of the Soul. William Buhlman is well known for his…

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