14. The Christianity and Science Schism

UNVEILING CHRISTIANITY Chapter 14. The Christianity and Science Schism In this chapter, I discuss the origin of the schism between Christianity and science and its impact. The sections are as…

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Are Near Death-Experiences Proof of the Afterlife?

Are Near Death-Experiences Proof of the Afterlife? Do we have a soul that continues after death? Is there conscious awareness after we die? Will we go to heaven? Do we reincarnate and will our memories of this life be remembered in the next life? What happens to consciousness during the act of dying? The most compelling answers come from people who almost die and later recall events that occurred while life-saving resuscitation, emergency care, or surgery was performed. These events are now called near-death experiences (NDEs).

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Is There Evidence of Reincarnation?

The Boy Who Remembered His Past Life Suddenly awakened from a nightmare yelling, “Airplane crash! Plane on fire! Little man can’t get out!” young James Leininger, a three-year-old boy was…

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10. History of Heaven and Hell

UNVEILING CHRISTIANITY Chapter 10. History of Heaven and Hell Heaven and Hell There was a time in Western Civilization when the ideas of heaven and hell did not exist. But…

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03. Hebrew Bible

UNVEILING CHRISTIANITY Chapter 3. Hebrew Bible The literature of faith in Judaism is the Hebrew Bible. This is a collection of Hebrew Scriptures that coalesced over time into twenty-four books.…

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