Near-Death Experience NDE

Near-Death Experiences A Glimpse into the Afterlife? It is estimated that 5% of the world population has had a near-death experience. A near-death experience (NDE) is an intense awareness, sense,…

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Unveiling Christianity

Unveiling Christianity Christianity had its beginnings in Judaism and in the life and teachings of a Jew who lived two thousand years ago in the town of Nazareth (in what…

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Awakening the Third Eye

Did you know that we all have a secret gateway within us, allowing us to consciously connect with higher intelligence? At the exact center of the brain is a pea-sized,…

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Are Near Death-Experiences Proof of the Afterlife?

Are Near Death-Experiences Proof of the Afterlife? Do we have a soul that continues after death? Is there conscious awareness after we die? Will we go to heaven? Do we reincarnate and will our memories of this life be remembered in the next life? What happens to consciousness during the act of dying? The most compelling answers come from people who almost die and later recall events that occurred while life-saving resuscitation, emergency care, or surgery was performed. These events are now called near-death experiences (NDEs).

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16. Discover Jesus Without Dogma

UNVEILING CHRISTIANITY Chapter 16. Discover Jesus Without Dogma Jeshua ben Joseph (also known as Jesus the Nazarene) In this chapter, I debunk the false dogmas superimposed by Christianity on the…

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Out-of-Body Experiences OBEs

Out-of-Body Experiences Self-initiated Out-of-Body Experience is the Cutting Edge of Human Exploration Out-of-body experiences (OBE or OOBE) are experiences that typically involves a sensation of floating outside one’s body. Out-of-Body…

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