Energy Healing

Energy Healing Our Bodies Function As Dynamic Energy Systems The current practice of western or mainstream medicine is based on the Newtonian level of reality. Doctors view the body as…

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Science of Consciousness

Science of Consciousness Comprehending consciousness is perhaps the most profound mystery currently facing humanity. The realm of science is vast; however, the focus here is on research about consciousness. Modern…

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13. Christianity: Religion of Fear and Hope

UNVEILING CHRISTIANITY Chapter 13. Christianity: Religion of Fear and Hope According to the Center for the Study of Global Christianity, it is estimated that there are more than 200 Christian…

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Reincarnation What Happens When We Die? The living of multiple lifetimes is known as reincarnation. The word reincarnation derives from Latin, literally meaning, “entering the flesh again.” Alternative terms are…

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Death and Dying

Death and Dying After-Death Communication and Support for Grieving For most people, the dying process, whether it be our own or that of a loved one, is one of the…

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Does Prayer Work?

Does prayer really work? Can prayer heal? Do a person’s prayers affect their well-being? Is there really a link between mere mortals and a higher power, as some recent neurological studies have suggested? These are questions that scientists are currently attempting to answer in a growing number of studies.

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Mediumship A Medium Acts as a Midway Point Between the Living and the Dead American Medium James Van Praagh A medium is a person who channels a spirit or through…

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