Out-of-Body Experiences
Self-initiated Out-of-Body Experience is the Cutting Edge of Human Exploration

Out-of-body experiences (OBE or OOBE) are experiences that typically involves a sensation of floating outside one’s body. Out-of-Body Experiencers (OBErs) report an awareness of “leaving the body” and looking at their bodies from outside of them.
There are basically two types of OBEs. The most widely known occurs spontaneously to a person who is typically involved in an accident or surgical operation associated with the possibility of death. These are called Near-Death Experiences or NDEs. Information on these can be found on the Near-Death Experiences resource page. The second type of OBE occurs when a person in a safe environment spontaneously or intentionally projects his or her consciousness out of the physical body. This is called “astral projection.” Information on this type of OBE is provided here.
Both types of OBEs are generally safe and not life-threatening. It is commonly held that during an OBE a person’s consciousness is projected out of the physical body into the astral body. The astral body is a replica of the physical body, including the emotional and mental attributes, except the astral body is composed of fine nonphysical matter (subtle matter). During an OBE, the astral body remains attached to the physical body by a subtle energy line, commonly called the silver cord, and a portion of the experiencer’s energy remains anchored in the physical body. An OBE can vary from floating above or near one’s physical body to exploring the physical world or venturing to the Earth’s astral plane and beyond. In nonphysical dimensions, OBErs may interact with deceased humans and other beings with whom communication is conducted through thought transference.
One of the pioneering researchers on astral projection was Robert Monroe, whose 1971 book Journeys Out-of-the Body is credited with popularizing the term “out-of-body-experience.” His research is based on his personal experiences of astral projection and astral travel on the earth and to realms beyond. Links to his fascinating books can be found in the Science-Based Awakening Library on this resource page.
William Buhlman, a leader in the field of OBEs, recognizes that “self-initiated out-of-body experience is the cutting edge of human exploration.” In his book, Adventures Beyond the Body (pages 131–136), Buhlman cites 24 benefits for OBE experiencers. Of these benefits, the first four are: a greater awareness of reality, personal verification of immortality, accelerated personal development, and a decreased fear of death. The decreased fear demonstrates the truth of Ralph Waldo Emerson’s (1803–1882) statement that, “Knowledge is the antidote for fear.”
The books referenced in the Science-Based Awakening Library, below, are filled with reports of Astral Projectors exploring fascinating nonphysical realms, including what is called the afterlife.

Out-of-Body Experience Resources
- International Academy of Consciousness (IAC)
The IAC is an education and research organization dedicated to investigating the nature of consciousness through the exploration of Exceptional Human Experiences such as out-of-body experience (astral travel or astral projection), clairvoyance, expansion of awareness, extra-sensory perception, channeling, near-death experiences, energy healing, and other psychic phenomena.
- Out of Body Experience Research Foundation (OBERF)
The OBERF offers spiritually transformative events, consciousness studies, information, research, and the sharing of personal OBE stories to support learning more about different states of consciousness.
- Monroe Institute
The purpose of the Monroe Institute is to foster the global awakening of human consciousness. The institute offers a range of programs that use specially designed binaural beat audio-guided technology, originally developed by Bob Monroe, to enable participants to learn valuable tools for exploring, navigating, and using the non-physical aspects of their own higher consciousness.
Video Presentations
- William Buhlman – 2018 Afterlife Awareness Conference – Full Presentation (1:14:51 minutes)
- How Out-of-Body Experiences Could Transform Yourself and Society | Nanci Trivellato | TEDxPassoFundo (18:38 minutes)
Articles on BeAwake.com
Books about Out-of-Body Experiences
Note: Book titles are linked to amazon.com, which offers numerous book reviews.
Aardema, Frederick, Ph.D.
Explorations in Consciousness: A New Approach to Out-of-Body Experiences
by Frederick Aardema, Ph.D., 231 pages (2013)
Bache, Christopher, Ph.D.
LSD and the Mind of the Universe: Diamonds from Heaven
by Christopher Bache, Ph.D., 338 pages (2019)
Following protocols established by Stanislav Grof, M.D., Ph.D., Bache had 73 high-dose therapeutic LSD sessions over the course of 20 years that drew him into a deepening communion with cosmic consciousness. Bache was professor emeritus in the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies at Youngstown State University for 33 years.
Bruce, Robert
Astral Dynamics: The Complete Book of Out-of-Body Experiences
by Robert Bruce, 360 pages (2009)
Mastering Astral Projection: 90 Day Guide to Out-of-Body Experience
by Robert Bruce and Brian Mercer, 483 pages (2005)
Buhlman, William
Adventures in the Afterlife by William Buhlman, 272 pages (2013)
William Buhlman has over 40-years of experience with OBEs.
The Secret of the Soul: Using Out-of-Body Experiences to Understand Our True Nature
by William Buhlman, 271 pages (2001)
Prior to publishing this book, Buhlman conducted an ongoing international survey from over 16,000 respondents from over thirty countries. This was the largest survey of its kind at the time.
Adventures Beyond the Body: How to Experience Out-of-Body Travel: Proving Your Immortality Through Out-of-Body Travel
by William Buhlman, 291 pages (1996)
Website: Astralinfo.org
Buhlman, William and Buhlman, Susan
Higher Self Now!: Accelerating Your Spiritual Evolution
by William Buhlman & Susan Buhlman, 323 pages (2016)
Goldberg, Dr. Bruce
Astral Voyages: Mastering the Art of Interdimensional Travel
by Dr. Bruce Goldberg, 251 pages (2012)
Astral Voyages presents exercises that train you to safely leave your physical body and return unharmed from explorations of the upper astral plane and the causal, mental, or etheric realms.
Hart, Gene
Beyond Dreaming: A Guide to Awakening Consciousness through the Path of Astral Projection & Out of Body Experiences
by Gene Hart, 159 pages (2021)
Video: Astral Doorway (This is author’s YouTube channel.)
LaBerge, Stephen, Ph.D.
Lucid Dreaming: A Concise Guide to Awakening in Your Dreams and in Your Life
by Stephen LaBerge, 82 pages (2004)
LaBerge, who has been called the pioneer of Lucid Dreaming in the west, is one of the most eminent names in the field of Lucid Dreams. His work is highly regarded by experts in his field.
Website: Lucidity.com
Magnus, John
Astral Projection and the Nature of Reality: Exploring the Out-of-Body State
by John Magnus, 299 pages (2005)
Minero, Luis
Demystifying the Out-of-Body Experience: A Practical Manual for Exploration and Personal Evolution
by Luis Minero, 370 pages (2012)
Website: LearnOBEs.com
Monroe, Robert
Ultimate Journey
by Robert Monroe, 301 pages (1994)
Robert Monroe is the most widely recognized name in the OBE field. He founded the Monroe Institute.
Far Journeys
by Robert Monroe, 290 pages (1985)
Journeys Out of the Body
by Robert Monroe, 280 pages (1971)
This book is credited with popularizing the term “out-of-body experience.”
Website: MonroeInstitute.org
Muldoon, Sylvan with Carrington, Hereward
The Projection of the Astral Body
by Sylvan Muldoon and Hereward Carrington, 320 pages (1929, 1973)
This book, which was originally published in 1929, was the definitive work at the time. Many consider Muldoon “the father of astral projection.”
Nicholls, Graham
Navigating the Out-of-Body Experience: Radical New Techniques
by Graham Nicholls, 246 pages (2012)
Website: GrahamNicholls.com
Pavlina, Erin
The Astral Projection Guidebook: Mastering the Art of Astral Travel
by Erin Pavlina, 141 pages (2013)
Website: ErinPavlina.com
Peterson, Robert
Hacking the Out-of-Body Experience: Leveraging Science to Induce OBEs
by Robert Peterson, 358 pages (2019)
Out-of-Body Experiences: How to Have Them and What to Expect
by Robert Peterson, 269 pages (1997, 2013)
Website: RobertPeterson.org
Video: Bobs OBE Technique
Silva, Mari
Astral Projection: A Guide on How to Travel the Astral Plane and Have an Out-of-Body Experience
by Mari Silva, 99 pages (2020)
This is a comprehensive, advanced guidebook.
Vieira, Waldo, M.D.
Projections of the Consciousness: A Diary of Out-of-Body Experiences
by Waldo Vieira, M.D., 272 pages (1997, 2007)
Published by the International Academy of Consciousness.
Waggoner, Robert with McReady, Caroline
Lucid Dreaming, Plain and Simple: Tips and Techniques for Insight, Creativity, and Personal Growth
by Robert Waggoner and Caroline McReady, 203 pages (2015)
Ziewe, Jurgen
Vistas of Infinity—How to Enjoy Life When You Are Dead
by Jurgen Ziewe, 265 pages (2016)
Multidimensional Man
by Jurgen Ziewe, 232 pages (2008)