
A Medium Acts as a Midway Point Between the Living and the Dead

James Van Praagh listens when the dead speak.
American Medium James Van Praagh

A medium is a person who channels a spirit or through whom a spirit or entity communicates. Mediums can communicate with spirits on behalf of another living being, acting as a midway point between the worlds of the living and the dead. I had a transformational experience when a medium brought through messages from my father 26 years after he had passed. For me, it completely healed our relationship.

After-death communication through mediums has been documented back to early recorded history. Mediumship became popular in the U.S. and U.K. in the 19th century. During this time, mediumship generally took the form of séances held in dark rooms, an environment that led to deception and trickery. Fraudulent practitioners were exposed, and mediumship fell out of favor.

In recent decades, however, there has been a rising popularity of mediums. Based on research by IBIS World, psychic services in the U.S. were estimated at $2.3 billion in 2023. Mediumship generated the most income among the subcategories. The public has become aware of mediums through television, digital, and print media. Authentic mediums seem to come into the world with an ability to see and communicate with spirits. Some experience this at a young age, while others become aware of it as adults. Those who wish to improve this ability will often train under a professional medium or take courses offered by experienced mediums.

science-based awakening resources

Mediumship Resources


  • Afterlife Research and Education Institute (AREI)

    The goals of the AREI are to teach people about the survival of consciousness and to support afterlife researchers and educators. Current educational projects are explained on this website.

  • Forever Family Foundation

    The Forever Family Foundation integrates science and spirituality to bring comfort to the bereaved.

  • Society for Psychical Research (SPR)

    The purpose of the SPR is to gather information and foster understanding through research and education. Established in 1882 in London, it was the first scientific organization to examine claims of psychic and paranormal phenomena.

  • Windbridge Research Center

    The Windbridge Research Center performs fulltime empirical research with mediums and is the only US organization doing this work. This research is based on rigorous, peer-reviewed studies. This website provides a brief overview of its scientific research findings to date.

Articles on

Books about Mediumship

Note:  Book titles are linked to, which offers numerous book reviews.

Alexander, Stewart

An Extraordinary Journey: The Memoirs of a Physical Medium
by Stewart Alexander, 362 pages (2020)

This is an essential book for anyone interested in “Physical Mediumship.”

Allix, Stephane

The Test: Incredible Proof of the Afterlife by Stephane Allix, 244 pages (2018)

Stephane Allix, a Frenchman, is a journalist, writer, and founder of the Institute for Research on Extraordinary Experiences in France and the director of the television series Enquetes Extraordinaires (“Extraordinary Investigations”).


Anderson, George and Barone, Andrew


Anderson, Karen A.

The Amazing Afterlife of Animals: Messages and Signs from Our Pets on the Other Side
by Karen A. Anderson, 158 pages (2017)
#1 Amazon bestseller and winner of 16 national and international book awards

Anthony, Mark, J.D.

The Afterlife Frequency: The Scientific Proof of Spiritual Contact and How that Awareness Will Change Your Life
by Mark Anthony, 276 pages (2021)

Anthony, “the Psychic Lawyer,” is a medium whose books contain a very thorough treatment on mediumship.

Assante, Julia, Ph.D.

The Last Frontier: Exploring the Afterlife and Transforming Our Fear of Death
by Julia Assante, Ph.D., 391 pages (2012)

This book is the winner of the Nautilus Book Award.

Beischel, Julie, Ph.D.

Love and the Afterlife: How to Stay Connected to Your Human and Animal Loved Ones by Julie Beischel, Ph.D., 387 pages (2023)

Dr. Beischel  is the cofounder and Director of Research at the Windbridge Research Center, a public charity dedicated to easing suffering around dying, death and what comes next. Windbridge conducts peer-reviewed scientific research on mediums and certifies some mediums as scientifically validated.

Investigating Mediums: A Windbridge Institute Collection
by Julie Beischel, Ph.D., 335 pages (2015)


Video:   SSE Talks – Science And The Afterlife – Julie Beischel  (playlist for parts 1/5–5/5)

Bertoldi, Concetta

Do Dead People Watch You Shower?
by Concetta Bertoldi, 280 pages (2008)

This is an entertaining view of mediumship and the afterlife from the author’s personal perspective.

Caputo, Theresa

There’s More to Life Than This: Healing Messages, Remarkable Stories, and Insight About the Other Side from the Long Island Medium 
by Theresa Caputo, 240 pages (2014).

Theresa Caputo is a New York Times bestselling author. She is a reality TV show personality who appears in the series “Long Island Medium.”


Dubois, Allison

Don’t Kiss Them Goodbye
by Allison Dubois, 193 pages (2004)

Allison Dubois is the inspiration for the hit TV show “Medium.”


Edward, John

One Last Time: A Psychic Medium Speaks to Those We Have Loved and Lost
by John Edward, 218 pages (1998)

John Edward is a bestselling author and  world-renowned psychic medium who has starred on “Crossing Over with John Edward.”


Fontana, David


Hancock, Maureen

Heath, Pamela Rae, M.D., Psy.D, and Klimo, Jon, Ph.D.

Handbook to the Afterlife
by Pamela Rae Heath, M.D., Psy.D, and Jon Klimo, Ph.D., 262 pages (2010)

Two seasoned experts with decades of experience working with channeled material describe the various stages of life after death. Dr. Pamela Rae Heath is the co-founder of the Paranormal Research Organization.


Henry, Tyler

Between Two Lives: Lessons from the Other Side
by Tyler Henry, 216 pages (2016)

Tyler Henry is a reality TV show personality who appears in the series “Hollywood Medium with Tyler Henry.”

Hermann, Stephen A.


Jackson, Laura Lynne

The Light Between Us: Stories from Heaven. Lessons for the Living.
by Laura Lynne Jackson, 265 pages (2015)

New York Times bestseller


Johnston, Sunny Dawn

The Love Never Ends: Messages from the Other Side
by Sunny Dawn Johnston, 169 pages (2014)

Maxwell, Isabeau

Cracking Open: Adventures of a Reluctant Medium
by Isabeau Maxwell, 271 pages (2020)


Video:   Mediumship for Your Everyday Life (The SAGE Method)

Nohavec, Janet with Giesemann, Suzanne

Where Two Worlds Meet: How to Develop Evidential Mediumship
by Janet Nohavec and Suzanne Giesemann, 168 pages (2010)

Russo, Kim

The Happy Medium: Life Lessons from the Other Side by Kim Russo, 230 pages (2016)

Kim Russo is a reality TV show personality who appears in the series “Celebrity Ghost Stories” and “The Haunting Of.”


Schoeppel, Kevin

The Bible: the Truth about Psychics and Spiritual Gifts by Kevin Schoeppel, 202 pages (2013)

Schoeppel is a Southern Baptist deacon who taught adult bible classes.

Solomon, Grant and Jane

The Scole Experiment: Scientific Evidence for Life After Death
by Grant and Jane Solomon, 314 pages (1999)

These experiments were conducted in the United States, Great Britian, and several other European countries. They were conducted over five years ending in 1998. Many Scientific investigators that attended these experiments concluded that they could not be faked. The experiments are considered conclusive evidence of life after death.

Ten-Kate, Monica

Messages from Above: What Your Loved Ones in Heaven Want You to Know
by Monica Ten-Kate, 322 pages (2019)

Ten-Kate starred in the TV series, “Monica the Medium.”

Tymn, Michael

The Afterlife Revealed: What Happens After We Die
by Michael Tymn, 192 pages (2011)

Tymn is a prolific author of afterlife books.

Van Praagh, James

Talking to Heaven: A Medium’s Message of Life After Death
by James Van Praagh, 194 pages (1997)

James Van Praagh is a New York Times bestselling author and Co-Executive Producer of the CBS series “Ghost Whisperer.”


Wabeh, Helane, ND, MCR

The Science of Channeling: Why You Should Trust Your Intuition & Embrace the Force that Connects Us All
by Helane Wahbeh, ND, MCR, 205 pages (2021)

Helane Wahbeh is Director of Research at the Institute of Noetic Sciences. Although the term “channeling” most often refers to trance channeling, the author includes intuition, clairvoyance, clairsentience, premonitions and other phenomena in her definition of channeling. Highly recommended.

Williams, Lisa​

The Survival of the Soul
by Lisa Williams, 237 pages (2011)

Lisa Williams discusses the different stages of the afterlife and reveals what life is really like on the other side.
